URONIC ACID PATHWAY (Glucuronic pathway)


(Glucuronic pathway)

  • This is an alternative oxidative pathway for glucose and is also known as the glucuronic pathway.
  • Concerned with the synthesis of glucuronic acid, pentoses, and vitamin, ascorbic acid (except in primates and guinea pigs).
  • Dietary xylulose enters the uronic acid pathway through which it can participate in other metabolisms.
  • Glucuronate is a highly polar molecule which is incorporated into proteoglycans as well as combining with bilirubin and steroid hormones; it can also be combined with certain drugs to increase their solubility.

Steps in Uronic acid pathway:

(A) Formation of UDP glucronate

  • Glucose 6 phosphate is first converted to glucose 1 phosphate
  • UDP glucose is then synthesized by enzyme UDP glucose pyrophosphorylase
  • Till this step, it is same as glycogenesis
  • UDP glucose dehydrogenase oxidizes UDP glucose to UDP glucuronate
  • UDP glucuronate is a metabolically active form of glucuronate which is utilized from the conjugation of many substances like bilirubin, steroid hormones, and drugs
  • UDP glucuronate is also required for the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans

(B) Conversion of UDP-glucuronate to L gulonate

  • UDP glucuronate loses its UDP moiety in a hydrolytic reaction and releases D-glucuronate which is reduced to L-gulonate by an NADPH reaction.

Fate of L-gulonic acid:

  • Fate of L-Gulonic acid is different according to the animals.

(a) Synthesis of ascorbic acid:

  • L-Gulonic acid is the direct precursor of Ascorbic acid, in those animals which are capable of synthesizing this vitamin.
  • In those animals, synthesis of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) takes place.

 (b) Fate of L-Gulonic Acid in Humans:

  • In man and other primates as well as guinea pigs ascorbic acid cannot be synthesized.
  • The enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase which converts gulonate to ascorbic acid is absent in them.
  • Therefore, vitamin C has to be supplemented in the diet for these animals.
  • L-Gulonic acid is oxidized to 3-ketoglulonate, which is then decarboxylated to the pentose L-Xylulose.
  • L-xylulose is converted to a D-xylulose via xylitol by a reduction followed by oxidation.
  • The D-xylulose can enter hexose monophosphate shunt.
Fig: Uronic acid pathway

Importance of uronic acid pathway:

  • It provides UDP-glucuronic acid, which is the active form of glucuronic acid
  • Conjugation of bilirubin
  • Conjugation of steroids
  • Conjugation of various drugs which will make them more water soluble and more easily excreatable.
  • Synthesis of glycosamino glycans (GAG).

Effect of drugs on uronic acid pathway:

  • Administration of barbital, aminopyrine, antipyrine, chlorobutanol significantly increases the uronic acid pathway to achieve more synthesis of glucuronate from glucose, leading to the availability of more glucuronate for conjugation purpose.
  • Certain drugs were found to enhance the synthesis of ascorbic acid in rats.

Essential pentosuria:

  • Rare genetic disorder related to the deficiency of NADP dependent. enzyme xylitol dehydrogenase and xylulose reductase. The incidence is 1 in 2,500 births.
  • Due to any of these enzyme defect xylulose cannot be converted to xylitol.
  • The affected secrete large amounts of L-xylulose in urine and gives a
    positive Benedict’s test.
  • Essential pentosuria is asymptomatic and the individuals suffer from no ill-effects, but it should be differentiated from diabetes mellitus.
  • lt has been reported that the administration of drugs aminopyrine and
    antipyrine increases the excretion of L-xylulose in pentosuric patients.
Fig: Overall view of Uronic acid pathway


  • The uronic acid pathway is an alternative pathway for the oxidation of glucose that does not provide a means of producing ATP, but is utilized for the generation of the activated form of glucuronate, UDP-glucuronate.
  • The uronic acid pathway of glucose conversion to glucuronate begins by conversion of glucose-6-phosphate is to glucose-1-phosphate by phosphoglucomutase, and then activated to UDP-glucose by UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase.
  • UDP-glucose is oxidized to UDP-glucuronate by the NAD+-requiring enzyme, UDP-glucose dehydrogenase.
  • UDP-glucuronate then serves as a precursor for the synthesis of iduronic acid and UDP-xylose and is incorporated into proteoglycans and glycoproteins or forms conjugates with bilirubin, steroids, xenobiotics, drugs and many compounds containing hydroxyl (–OH) groups.


  • Textbook of Biochemistry-U Satyanarayana
  • Textbook of Biochemistry-DM Vasudevan
  • https://www.scribd.com/document/328465491/2-4-Biochemistry-Tca-Hmp-and-Uronic-Acid-Pathway
  • https://microbenotes.com/uronic-acid-pathway/
  • https://www.slideshare.net/YESANNA/uronic-acid-pathway
About Anup Basnet 30 Articles
Lecturer of Biochemistry in St. Xavier's College, Maitighar, Kathmandu, Nepal. Also Visiting Faculty of: Central Department of Microbiology (Tribhuvan University(TU), Nepal), Central Department of Biotechnology (Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal), Amrit Science Campus (ASCOL) (Kathmandu, Nepal).

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